Трейлер к фильму "ПираМММида"
Картина вышла в российский прокат 7 апреля 2011 года.
Россия, начало 1990-х. Сергей Мамонтов ищет, куда применить себя и свой интеллект. И заказывает макет «ценной бумаги» с имперской вязью, богатым орнаментом, водяными знаками и собственным портретом в самом центре.
Начинается активная рекламная кампания. Чуть больше двух недель оказывается достаточно, чтобы народ выстроился в очереди за «мамонтовками». И могущественные банкиры, и госструктуры в растерянности — никто не имеет понятия, как это прекратить, а в МММ уже набралось больше 20 миллионов вкладчиков.
В фильме Мамонтов пьёт дешёвый и полезный напиток — кефир, презирает мишуру (только автомобиль «Чайка» ему нужен), интеллектуал, идеалист, философ и патриот.
In the beginning of 2011 the MMM and SG (Stock Generation) creator Sergey Mavrodi emerged on the scene building an international financial pyramid in the internet. According to his scheme MMM-2011 is to collapse and change the world financial system forever.
This motion picture has been based on a real story that happened in Russia in 1994.
Socialism has been destroyed while capitalism has not arrived yet. The country is undergoing mass privatisation. The largest enterprises established in the soviet empire during the past 70 years are being sold at auctions. Foreign depositors have no access to the bidding while inside the country no one has money except for the few banks close to the highest authority. There the ones who most exclusively and dirt cheap buy at auctions all the best that Russian economy has to offer.
On the 1st of Feb. 1994 a certain individual an unknown loner-mathematician Sergey Mavrodi (Mamontov) announced the establishment of a new credit organisation to attract the people's funds - MMM. The MMM creator prints and sells his own shares or as he calls them - tickets. These tickets are sold at the principle: "Today everything is more expensive than yesterday".
Mass media has taken over by an MMM advertisement campaign with unprecedented scale. Quota of all advertisement time and all the national channels is occupied by MMM commercial. MMM share sell offices are opened by thousands. The amount of shareholders is increased by a million every week. Ordinary people all around the country willing to settle the deals between each other with MMM shares as well as with roubles and dollars...
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